Last month, the low speed wind tunnel (LST-1@DME) that has been under-development at DME for the past few years came alive once again, after a long hiatus— working on it a group of undergraduate students along with their mentor who’d…

Institute of Engineering, TU, Nepal
Last month, the low speed wind tunnel (LST-1@DME) that has been under-development at DME for the past few years came alive once again, after a long hiatus— working on it a group of undergraduate students along with their mentor who’d…
The final-year project defense for BE batch of 2019 was conducted on August 2nd at DME. The department congratulates the graduating students and wishes them the best for their future endeavors.
The 4th International Conference on Renewable Energy Technology for Rural and Urban Development (RETRUD-18) was conducted by the Center of Energy Studies on 29-31 October, 2018. RETRUD-18 in media: International conference on renewable energy from Oct 29 नवीकरणीय उर्जा…
The IOE-NUAA Workshop for exchange and cooperation in aerospace engineering was held in Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China, on Oct 25-28th. On 24th of October 2018, delegates from IOE-Pulchowk, comprising of the Campus Chief Prof. Dr. Gokarna Bahadur Motra…
The 1st TU-NUAA Joint Workshop was held at the Institute of Engineering-Pulchowk Campus on 15-17 January, 2018, with the visiting the faculties and administrators from the Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics sharing their work and expertise among the faculties of…
B.E. Mechanical