The Transforming Energy Access – Learning Partnership (TEA-LP) is a collaboration involving
universities from Africa, South Asia, and the Indo-Pacific region, along with other stakeholders,
focused on developing a highly skilled workforce to support the shift towards sustainable energy
access for all. Our partner universities are dedicated to providing innovative and relevant master’s
level programs, while our CPD courses are designed to assist current energy sector professionals.
Additionally, TEA-LP is fostering a network of expertise in the Global South.

IOE’s M.Sc. in Renewable Energy Engineering will be the partnering program, which is conducted under DMAE. MS-REE is a two-year full-time master’s program. The program enrolls a total of 20 students per batch, with 6 regular students who receive full scholarship. The semester fee of the full-fee paying students is 58,400 Nepali rupees. Further details of the fee structure can be found in the IOE Pulchowk campus website.

1.Application deadlineDecember each year
2.Notification of acceptanceFebruary each year
3.Scholarship selection and acceptanceMarch each year
4. Registration deadlineMarch each year
5.Fee payment deadline April each year
6.Launch dateApril 28-29 each year
Entrance and Admission requirements

For more information, contact: Associate Professor Dr. Hari Bahadur Darlami, at haridarlami(at) / +977-9851104134.

Useful links:

  • [link to application form and notices]
IOE’s Partnership with TLP-LP Program