Dr. Shree Raj Shakya
Associate Professor (Energy Systems Modelling and Planning)
+977-1-5532235 (102)
Chakupat, Lalitpur
Fields of Research

– Energy Systems Modeling, Analysis and Planning- Energy and Climate Change Policies- Low Carbon and Sustainable Development- Green Growth- Renewable Energy Technologies

D1 Block, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Institute of Engineering Pulchowk Campus, 44700 Lalitpur, Nepal

Tribhuvan University , Nepal
Bachelor of Science1996

Statistics, Physics, and Mathematics

Institute of Engineering- Pulchowk, Tribhuvan University
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering1999
Institute of Engineering- Pulchowk, Tribhuvan University
Master of Science in Renewable Energy Engineering2004
Asian Institute of Technology , Thailand
PhD in Energy Engineering2012

Title: Analysis of Low Carbon Development Strategies in Nepal

Centre for Energy Studies (CES), Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Acting Director2016-Present
Centre for Energy Studies (CES), Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Deputy Director2014-2016
M.Sc. Engineering in Energy Systems Planning and Management (MSESPM)
Program Coordinator2014-Present
Institute of Engineering (Pulchowk), Tribhuvan University
Assistant Professor2002-Present
Policy Modeling and Analysis, Center for Energy Studies, Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Nepal
RET Product Development, Center for Energy Studies, Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Nepal
  1. Paudyal,B.R.,Shakya, S.R., 2016. Dust accumulation effects on efficiency of solar PV modules for off grid purpose: A case study of Kathmandu. Solar Energy 135(2016), 103-110.
  2. Shakya, S.R., 2016. Benefits of Low Carbon Development Strategies in Emerging Cities of Developing Country: A Case of Kathmandu. J. sustain. dev. energy water environ. syst.4 (2), 141–160.
  3. Subedi, P., Shakya, S.R., 2016. Energy Efficiency and Low Carbon Strategy on Rural Tourism Area: A Case of Mount Annapurna Trekking Route. International Journal of Environmental Protection and Policy 4(5), 133-140.
  4. Singh,P., Shakya, S.R., 2016. Policy Intervention to Reduce Energy Consumption and Mitigate Environmental Emission in Cement Industries of Nepal. International Journal of Environmental Protection and Policy 4(2), 34-43.
  5. Shakya, S.R., 2015. Study on the Implications of Low Carbon Development Strategies for Kathmandu Valley by Using LEAP Model. Research in Engineering 2015, Center for Applied Research and Development (CARD), Institute of Engineering,T. U. publication, ISBN 9937-9063-5-0.
  6. Khadka, S.K., Shrestha, J.N., Shakya, S.R., 2015. Energy Demand Analysis of Telecom Towers of Nepal with Strategic Scenario Development and Potential Energy cum Cost Saving with Renewable Energy Technology Options, International Journal of Research in Engineering and Science 3 (1), 1-8, ISSN (Online) 2320-9364, ISSN (Print) 2320-9356 (2015).
  7. Shakya, S.R., 2014. Energy Efficiency Improvement Potential of Nepal Research Book Series,
    Energy Systems Planning and Analysis, 2014/RBESPA-3, Centre for Energy Studies (CES) publication (2014).
  8. Bajracharya, T.R., Shakya, S.R., Khanal, R. C., Laudari, R.,2014. Role of Renewable Energy Technology in Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in Nepal, Proceedings of the 20th International Sustainable Development Research Conference Trondheim 18- 20 June 2014, 3a 4, 79-110, ISBN: 978-82-91917-34-4 Con-Text, DOI: 10.13140/2.1.1121.6321.
  9. Bajracharya, T.R., Shakya, S.R.,Nakarmi, A.M., Ale, B.B., Shrestha, R., Bauer, C., Doujak, E., 2014. Energy Systems Planning and Analysis in terms of Nepal, Presented at 18th International Conference on Hydropower Plants, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, Nov 26-28, 2014.
  10. Shrestha, J.N., Shakya, S.R., 2003. Biogas Plants for Mitigating Green House Gases in Nepal. IIRE Journal, Thailand, 2003.
  11. Subedi, P., Shakya, S.R., 2013. Impact of Renewable Energy in Total Energy Consumption and CO2 Emission in Rural Tourist Destination: A Case of Ghandruk. Proceedings of IOE Graduate Conference, Vol.1, Nov 2013, 264-268, ISSN 2350-8914.
  12. Dhital, H.C., Shakya, S.R., 2014. Implications of Sustainable Low Carbon Transportation Development Strategy in Emerging City: A Case of Kathmandu Valley. Proceedings of IOE Graduate Conference, Vol.2, Oct 2014, 215-224, ISSN 2350-8906.
  13. Das, A.K., Shakya, S.R., Bajracharya, T.R., 2014. A Comparative Study of Various Models for the Estimation of Monthly Average Daily Global Solar Radiation on Horizontal Surface at Kathmandu. Proceedings of IOE Graduate Conference, Vol.2, Oct 2014, 110-117, ISSN 2350-8906.
  14. Acharya, N., Ale, B.B., Shakya, S.R., 2014. Urbanization and its Impact on Transport Sector Energy use in Kathmandu Valley. Proceedings of IOE Graduate Conference, Vol.2, Oct 2014, 269-273, ISSN 2350-8906.
  15. Dutta, R.K.,Bajracharya, T.R., Shakya, S.R., 2014. Economic Analysis of Small Hydropower Project– A Case Study of Lower Khare Small Hydropower Project. Proceedings of IOE Graduate Conference, Vol.2, Oct 2014, 348-352, ISSN 2350-8906.
  16.  Timilsina, S.R., Shakya, S.R., 2014. The Status of Energy Efficient Bulbs and the Potential Energy Savings in the Kathmandu Valley. Proceedings of IOE Graduate Conference, Vol.2, Oct. 2014, 429-437, ISSN 2350-8906.
  17.  Shakya, S.R., 2013. Economy- wide Implications of Low Carbon Electricity based Mass Transport in Nepal. Journal of the Institute of Engineering 9 (1), 142-165, ISSN 1810-3383, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3126/jie.v9i1.10679.
  18. Singh, P., Shakya, S.R., 2013. Study on the effect of implementing Best Available Technology in Cement Industries of Nepal. Proceedings of IOE Graduate Conference, Vol.1, Nov 2013, 258-263, ISSN 2350-8914.
  19. Shakya, S.R., Kumar, S., Shrestha, R.M., 2012. Co-benefits of a carbon tax in Nepal. Mitig. Adapt. Strateg. Glob. Change 17 (1), 77–101.
  20. Shrestha, R.M., Shakya, S.R., 2012. Benefits of low carbon development in a developing
    country: Case of Nepal, Energy Econ. (34), S503-S512.
  21. Shakya, S.R., Shrestha, R.M., 2011. Transport sector electrification in a hydropower resourcerich developing country: energy security, environmental and climate change co-benefits. Energy for Sustainable Dev. 15, 147–159.
  22.  Sharma, D., Shakya, S.R., 2011. Instruction Manual for Training of the Trainers for Solar Design Engineers/Technicians. Alternative Energy Promotion Centre, Government of Nepal, Kathmandu.
  23. Shakya, S.R., Shrestha, J.N., 2006. Contribution of Renewable Energy Technologies for GHG mitigation in Nepal. First National Conference on Renewable Energy Technology for Rural Development, RETRUD-06, October, 2006, pp 318-325.
  24.  Shakya, S.R., 2005. Application of Renewable Energy Technology for greenhouse Ga s Emission reduction in Nepalese context. The Nepalese Journal of Engineering 1(1), 92-101.
  25. Shrestha, J.N., Shakya, S.R., 2004. Renewable Energy Education in Nepal. Seminar on Role of Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development Agenda for Nepal, organiz ed by FAEM-Nepal, May, 2004.
  26. Shakya, S.R., Amatya, V.B., Shrestha, N.P., 2003. RET Projects’ contribution to Reduction of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Nepal: A case study. Proceedings of Second International Conference on Renewable Energy Technology for Rural Development, RETRUD-03, October 2003, pp 371-378.
  27. Shrestha, J.N., Bajracharya, T.R., Shakya, S.R., Giri, B., 2003. Renewable Energy in Nepal–Progress at a Glance from 1998-2003. Proceedings of Second International Conference on Renewable Energy Technology for Rural Development, RETRUD-03, October 2003, pp 1-10.
  28. Bajracharya, T.R., Shakya, S.R., 2003. Technology Analysis of Domestic Solar Water Heater Systems in Nepal: Needs a Revamp. Convention Papers of Eight National Convention and FEISCA Regional Meet, 3-5 April 2003, pp 196-203.
Dr. Shree Raj Shakya