A retirement felicitation program in honor of Chief Instructor Ramesh Bahadur Shakya was held at DME, on December 18.
Welcome, freshmen! Important information for you here.
Orientation classes for freshmen students was held on November 26 at D-Hall, DME. This post is intended to guide them through the basics to get started. Check what your study at DME is all about at the BME home page here.…
Undergraduate Project Final Defense and M.Sc. Mid-Term Defense (2072)
M.Sc. mid-term thesis defense timeline: Date Course No. of Thesis Topics 2015/09/13 M.Sc. Engineering MSE 9 2015/09/14 M.Sc. Engineering MSR 14 List of undergraduate project topics and supervisors: [The detailed list with topics and students in project groups…
MOU Signed Between DME and International Green Developers Nepal Pvt. Ltd.
An MOU was signed on Sept. 1, 2015, between the Department of Mechanical Engineering and International Green Developers Nepal (IGDN) with an agreement “to involve the (department) in research activity of designing & piloting of sandwiched insulated panel of interest…
Information on Industrial Attachment
The following report presents a case study on 10 final year industrial attachment reports submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering from 2009 to 2014. Prepared by Dr. Rajendra Shrestha. PROSPECTIVE AND CHALLENGES ON INDUSTRIAL ATTACHMENT

Team Nepal Shines at ABU Robocon 2015
Team Nepal, comprising of students of Pulchowk Campus Robotics Club, won the “Best Idea Award” and “MABUCHI Motor Award” at ABU Robocon 2015, held in Indonesia last month. The indesciplinary team included students from the Department of Mechanical Engineering and…