(Course taught as part of the practical classes for AeroStream students.)
Lecturer: Asst. Prof. Sudip Bhattarai (Aerospace Science and Engineering, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering)
Lecture Duration: 12 hrs (3 hrs per week)
Time: Sunday, March 20th, 1 pm – 4 pm.
Venue: D-Hall, Block-D, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Central Campus, IOE.
To familiarise students to numerical techniques for solving basic conduction and diffusion equations using finite volume method, meshing techniques in ICEM and the solver Fluent, and introduce them to the open-source CFD tool OpenFOAM.
Basic Aero-thermodynamics; Numerical methods; Basic programming skills in C/C++.
Lecture Day-1: Finite Volume Method treatment of Navier-Stokes equations; Programming basic conduction and diffusion equations in MATLAB; solution of partial differential equations in MATLAB PDE Toolbox.
Lecture Day-2: Meshing in (ANSYS) ICEM and solution of basic flow examples in Fluent.
Lecure Day-3 & 4: Introduction to OpenFOAM; Running test cases; Solvers and solver setup; Programming and compiling.
sudip@ioe.edu.np; +977-9860026391; Office 205-B, Block-D, IOE Central Campus (Pulchowk)